Wednesday, July 6, 2016

DIY Waterfall & Pond Project for a Pinterest Mom Part 2?

Notice the bags of rocks--helpful hint: if you find bags of rocks, mulch or sand at Lowes and it is in a bag it is 50% off! Yep. The only way I buy the stuff is if it is on sale! Now, you have to be careful because half of the product may have disappeared, hence the half off, but I make sure to get bags that are 75% or more full and what a discount! CHEAP IS ME!

Here is the bottom of the pond. I threw in some pond rocks. Okay, so I have started the rock of the waterfall at this point. It is going good, but you know that black foam crap I talked about in the last post? Yeah, that stuff is horrible. I mean horrible. You are supposed to blow it into the cracks and it will create a water tight seal. LIAR. L.I.A.R. All it does is blow up and look like crap. Also, you can't create a solid, water tight seal with it. It breaks down and breaks off super easy. One good hail storm or puppy bite and you are done. I read (multiple times) use a little as it grows. Okay, so I put in a little squirt and it grows. It doesn't grow a lot, so I put in a squirt more. I am sealing this rocks in and it is going to be the best pond ever. I'm going to be the next Family Handy WO-man! Famous last words...or thoughts. I turn around to yell at the dog and I swear this black stuff is taking over the world. It is coming out of rocks where I didn't even put the stuff. And OH YEAH, the label says, wear gloves. I don't need NO STINKING gloves. Yep, that stuff is now permanently on my hands. I have black hands. Nasty stuff.

 I sealed the top of the spill way. I tried to stick little rocks on top of the black nasty gunk so it will be covered up. You can see it peeking around the rocks; it is the black stuff. Looking good right. Okay, I have electricity. I have the pump tubing going to the spill way. I have placed my landscaping around. It is time to turn the bad boy on! O.M.GOODNESS. Water starts flowing down and I'm grinning like a fool. It is working!!!!

Then I realize there is water flowing, no pouring, down both sides, of the mountain. Water is a solid force and it is winning. It is pouring through every black place I poured that black crap. I whip out that bottle and start squirting more in to the rocks. I even unplug the water fall, run to Home Depot and buy more of the black crap. I am sealing up the planet with this stuff.

No go Joe. It doesn't work. I call my Dad and brother: the pond experts. I am crying. No, not really, but anger and wanting to hit someone is about my emotional level at this point.

DID I MENTION THE COST OF THE ROCKS? Yep, three mini van trips to EarthFirst, the cheapest most amazing rock place in Southern Indiana, to the cost of $86 the first time, $148 the 2nd time and $25 the last time. WOW. Not to mention the bag of large rocks I bought at Home Depot for $11.86. They look good, though! I also went to Old Pottery and bought two solar powered rocks for $5/piece. The bags of half price rocks cost me around $40 at Lowes.

This Pinterest CHEAP DIY POND/WATERFALL project may just be cause for a divorce.....

I tore the whole DARN thing apart. It was 9:30 at night and I needed a good old fashioned cocktail to get over the anger, the hurt from hauling all the darn rocks and a good night's sleep. I did get it working....more tomorrow....

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