Sunday, September 3, 2017

Gym Boyfriend and Rose Hill Friends

 Frank's pool is one of the boy's happiest places in the world. Probably because he lets them do the stupidest stunts with his toys. He has always been the 'shark' in the water that attacks the boys...I thought this year Obe Wan would give him a run for his money, but because my eldest doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body and doesn't know how to use his size to his advantage, Frank still took them both down! It was super fun to watch. Maybe one year they will gang up on Frank, but for now, they let him win! I think it is also a respect thing. They look up to Frank as another family member--I would say glorified Uncle. He spends time and money on them both--not to mention the harassment he dishes out. There are those few people in life that God gives you that aren't family, but at the end of the day, they are closer to you than some of even your family. We are blessed to have Frank in our lives. Who would have thought the old guy at the gym who RAN while watching the History Channel would become such a good friend? HA! Who knew?!?!

Unfortunately, I didn't capture the picture where the boys had three rafts piled on top of each other and they were sliding off that one. We took one of the Arheart boys with us and that added another level of fun! Too bad there weren't that many warm days this summer! It was the coolest summer I can remember. It was also the summer where I bought a pool pass--never again will I do that.

At the Andover Y with our RH peeps! 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Special K one year later

 I don't think I need words for these pictures. The little puppy is gone....the puppy however is still very present in her actions! She is a beautiful and wonderful golden! Both shots are taken at the Arhearts home--I think I will try to get this picture every year of her life. One was in May and one was in July--the mums reflect they weren't liking the warm KS heat.

Friday, September 1, 2017

J-Bird and his love of tumbling

I haven't quite figured out why J-Bird loves this, but he does. He will spend hours on the trampoline perfecting his stunts. I wonder if this is influenced by YouTube, but who knows? I don't really have an idea on this one. It is a costly, not going anywhere sport for him. He is going down to once a week as I can't be in two places at once. ObeWan has Spanish tutoring at the same time J-Bird has his tumbling lessons. He will get to do one a week, not two. He is handling it okay as he didn't have ONE free night of the week. It was exhausting to both of us!